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Posts posted by sas46


    Just recieved a new update, hope it solves something


    Apparently you have an older version 8.0.309 which is not Windows 10-compatible. Update to the latest version 8.0.319 please. With a compatible version, you wouldn't have had this issue.

    Also your Windows 10 is reporting an incorrect version - 6.3.9600. However, 6.3 is Windows 8.1. How did you install Windows 10? Did you upgrade from Windows 8.1 or it was a clean install? Please copy and paste the following command to a command prompt window, run it and post the output:

    systeminfo | find /i "os version" | find /i /v "bios"


    I've updated from 8.1 using Microsoft Windows 10 ISO official program

    If I check for updates on ESET it says that there's no updates


    The last 1114 solved al my registry issues and the problem is fixed :)


    Thank you very much developers



    Nome SO:                              Microsoft Windows 10 Pro
    Versione SO:                          10.0.10240 N/D build 10240
  2. I think I've just found a temporary solution using Task scheduler and the batch file gaved in tenforums.com

    You can find my modded batch attached at the end of the post (made some changes for admin privileges, nothing more)
    VIRUS TOTAL SCAN https://www.virustotal.com/it/file/8d0ba2f92caab146fe5c36231f7240fd0e60306e8860c3a70d2b425d2acfe9d8/analysis/1443861638/

    Open Task scheduler and create a new task

    Now choose a name for your task, select "Run wheter user is logged or not" and "Run with highest privileges" and Select configure forWindows 10 (not sure if last it changes something)

    Now go to Triggers tab and add a new trigger
    at Begin the task choose "On an event", leave basic, at Log choose SystemSource "USER32" and Event ID "1074" as in the image below. 


    Now click OK and go to Actions tab
    Add a New entry and choose Start a program and select your downloaded batch file for your OS version (32 or 64bit)
    On add arguments insert: par 1
    On Start in add your batch file folder location path, mine was 
    C:\Users\Neri\Desktop\Updated FolderViewSettingsFix\ESET_FolderViewSettingsFix
    (not sure if these 2 entries changes something but for safety I recommend you to use it


    as here: hxxp://i.imgur.com/hL4CZWj.png

    Click OK

    On Condition Tab untick all entries

    On Settings tab UNTICK "Stop the task if it runs longer than" and leave the rest as default

    If you want you can enable History but it's not necessary

    Now check if the registry dll is back to shell32.dll and try the task shutting down your computer

    If your icons are back at their default position you have done your job correctly, if not you have only to change your keys authorization on regedit to Administrator

    Hope you will find that guide helpful and feel free to ask anything you need001.png

    Apologize me if I made some grammar mistakes but as you see from the screens I'm not native english 001.png

    Updated FolderViewSettingsFix.rar


    Module 1113 didn't solved my issue, after some minutes the registry keys are getting back to %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll causing icon resetting


    If you are able to reproduce the behavior when the value changes back to the wrong value, please create a Process monitor log from that moment. When done, compress it, upload it to a safe location and pm me the download link.



    In which format do you prefer it? PML (1.1gb), CSV(153mb) or XML(300mb)? Cause I started the program and it was on %SystemRoot%\system32\windows.storage.dll and after some minutes it changed to %SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll 

    I've got a slow connection (0.79 mbps in upload) so the time I need depends on which format you prefer


    Edit: Seems that it's a dllhost.exe fault, I've looked for a specific key and that's the result hxxp://imgur.com/XZe68hI

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