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About Rossen

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  1. Thank you. Is there an official contact channel for ESET through which I can seek a formal clarification with my particular country/vendor?
  2. Hello, I have a general question but I think should start with an example (the individual values in the example are just for illustration purpose) A particular license is quoted by ESET official local vendor: - 60 EUR/year for 3 devices = 20 EUR per device - 68 EUR/year for 4 devices = 17 EUR per device Now if I have purchased initially the 1st license for 3 devices (i.e. already paid 60 EUR), and want to immediately upgrade to 4 devices. My assumption is that I should pay extra only the difference of 68 - 60 = 8 EUR so that my cumulative payments will equal the total prices for 4 devices as quoted i.e. 68 EUR However, being in above situation, my vendor quotes an extra charge for the 4th device of 17 EUR (instead of 8). Thus i will be cumulatively paying 60+17 = 77 instead of 68 for 4 devices In the end it would seem that the price of the same product (4-device license) will be different on the sole basis that I am upgrading (rather than initially purchased it). My vendor explains that the prices are set by ESET and they as a vendor have no influence on those prices. In conclusion, what I seek to confirm - is is true that ESET charges different prices for the same product in case of an upgrade vs initial purchase? Thanks.
  3. Does not seems to make sense - with the cheaper license I get 5 Androids covered and with the much more expensive only 3...but I guess reality does not always makes sense In any case thank you.
  4. But once again my question - if I use say 2x Android devices on same google account will it effectively consume only 1 out of the 3 positions of the license? And I have 2 out of the 3 license positions remaining for my non-Android devices? Or rather each Android device "consumes" 1 licence position irrespective of the fact that they are on the same google account?
  5. This is what I thought. However see below printscreen availalbe from within the Eset mobile app. It does refer to 3 devices across different OS and at the bottom it clearly indicates to be a subscritpion via google playstore....
  6. Hello, I would appreciate help with the following. I have purchased a single Eset Mobile Security via Google Play (=9.99 EUR year). It can be used on up to 5 Android devices (if running on the same google account). Now from within the app itself there is an option to "Protect all my devices" (=49.99 EUR year). Is indicated that is for 3 devices and across Android, Windows, IOS. My points of inquiry: - if I want to use this extended license in a combined manner (i.e. on Windows + Android device), will I effectively be able to activate different products with it i.e. ESET Internet Security (for my laptoop) and ESET Mobile Security (for my Android mobile devices)? - While the license is indicated for only 3 devices do I correctly assume that up to 5 Android devices running on the same google account will count as 1 position (out of the 3), with 2 out of the 3 positions remaining to be used for example on 2 Windows computers/laptops? The thing is that via other official distribution channels - each individual device is counted as 1 (and increases the price paid) where obviously the licenses distributed via Google Play have their own specificity Thank you everyone in advance. R.
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