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About PaulMetz

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  1. How do I get rid of this message? Something went wrong. Restart the secure browser to ensure it is fully active. I restart the browser and continue to get the message. This happens in both chrome and edge. Log file: Time;Action;File;Hash;Information;User 12/1/2023 9:39:14 AM;Blocked;C:\Users\~1\AppData\Local\Temp\chrome_BITS_4644_115353579\;86B1B058E1E7D2F1F35E830DB446B59E15670E5E;Extension ID: hnimpnehoodheedghdeeijklkeaacbdc; Time;Action;File;Hash;Information;User 12/1/2023 9:38:00 AM;Blocked;C:\Users\ \AppData\Local\Temp\4a52aa0b-15f4-4efb-90bb-999b0d32f794.tmp;189898BB2DCAE7D5A6057BC2D98B8B450AFAEBB6;Extension ID: nmmhkkegccagdldgiimedpiccmgmieda;
  2. Is there a way to share or export my endpoint blacklist so that all employees block the same e-mail addresses? I have 800 on my endpoint list and I want to make sure my blacklist is blocked for all of my employees. Or is there a way to add to the global blacklist on the fly?
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