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Posts posted by dvickery

  1. Good Morning,

    I have a client who recently had an ISP change over to satellite internet due to their remote location. We saw that their PCs were no longer able to connect to our RAC, so we reached out to the ISP who says that it is due to them blocking port 2222 due to 'TCP port 2222 has been blocked due to millions of volumetric and compromise attempts over that port from IoT devices, multiple botnets (Mirai, Satori, Haijme, JenX, & VPNFilter) that use that port to exploit devices on our clients’ networks.'

    Is there a way to change the RAC port to listen to a different port or is this something that is fixed and cannot be changed?


    Thank you in advance.

  2. Good Morning,

    I am having an issue with our ESET File Security Scheduler. I currently have it installed on quite a few servers, however, within the last 4 servers that I have installed it on, the policy from the ESET Remote Administrator Console is not being pulled down to the servers with the file security on it. It is like they are reporting to some different policy. Is there a way to trace back to where they are reporting to? Thanks for your time.


    Daniel Vickery

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