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Posts posted by mh123

  1. When you have setup password configured and also you have Interactive Mode of firewall enabled, each time you are prompted for setup password, focus is not on password editbox. This mostly happens if you're using another application (like internet browser) which holds focus and ESET password prompt is pop-up window.
    It's time consuming to click into editbox to gain focus and then start typing password.
    I cannot replicate the problem with Endpoint product.

  2. On 8/9/2023 at 11:44 AM, Marcos said:

    A fix should be included in v17 later this year.

    Are you serious?

    This has big security impact and it should be fixed ASAP.
    Your security team probably have assessed this wrongly.

    I am running interactive mode with password protected ESET setup and I am non-admin user in Windows 11.
    I am able to handle some firewall exceptions freely, i.e. without prompting any password.
    If I am able to do that then anybody can (virus, malware, ...)


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