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  1. OK, that seems to be a better approach and seems to silence the nags, thanks... But, this still is a major bug!
  2. Feedback here would be appreciated here @Marcos This issue literally makes Interactive FW unusable is Vantage is installed.
  3. This is getting a bit ridiculous now... Up to 165 rules. Any info on what can you do? Frankly, I'm getting tired of this. I NEED Vantage to limit battery charging so cannot uninstall it, but I also need an interactive FW.
  4. No joy... I switched to Learning mode, started Vantage multiple times (got the popups that new rules have been created), switched back to Interactive, and the prompts started again. I repeated this a number of times, and the result was the same. eis_logs.zip
  5. I've updated to the pre-release versiob ( and I'm sorry to say this issue still isn't fixed while using FW in interactive mode. ESET is still asking me what to do about Vantage multiple times, and thus creating multiple, identical rules: eis_logs.zip
  6. Any updates on this bug? Getting really annoyed with constant access popups related to Vantage (constantly have to purge my FW rules related to Vantage...) I'm afraid that legitimate access request get lost in the noise.
  7. Log collector output sent in PM. When I downgraded to 16.1.14, I uninstalled 16.2 and reinstalled the previous version form scratch.
  8. Additional info: This is with EIS 16.1.14, as I need port info in the popups, so I downgraded from 16.2. Nevertheless, the behaviour is the same with 16.2.
  9. Since an update to Lenovo Vantage on Win10 22H2 EIS cannot block (or allow) Lenovo Vantage connections to the web in interactive mode. More specifically the module "LenovoVantage-(VantageCoreAddin).exe". Everytime I open Vantage EIS throws up the dialogue windows to allow/block this file from accessing the web. It doesn't matter whether I allow or deny permanently, this comes up every time I start up the app. "Thanks" to that I've a truckload of rules for the same thing:
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