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About KimiM

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  1. OK, here is a link to download. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/1pl1sbtlqxpnbqhb0cspd/ees_logs.zip?rlkey=6wza16n0sei4t6ug3zzc5wylp&dl=0
  2. I have generated a log file. However it's more 250MB that over the limit for upload file size. What should I do?
  3. I have tried above setting, unfortunately did not work. Registered scan/copier IP address. When I disable all the firewall function then it;s works. But it's looks ugly to showing security worrying. Hopefully there's suite way to do it. Any ideas? Thanks.
  4. OK, I can try that. BTW, where I can setup trusted zone? Please advise me. Thanks.
  5. I just found that scanner/copier need to open port 445.
  6. It's works fine, when uninstalled ESET from the PC. So any ideas now?
  7. Actually, I disabled firewall, however still same result... Any other method that I can try? Thanks,
  8. Thanks for your comment, I appreciate. I installed existing LAN that including brand new setup PC. Only new PC is no problem to access Copier/Scanner device on same network. I am new to ESET PROTECT Cloud therefore I need to know how can I pause the firewall at ESET PROTECT Cloud. Please advise me.
  9. I have just installed ESET PROTECT Cloud (version: product. However, I can not access the network(LAN) scanner anymore. The network scanner only needs to access SMB on the same LAN network. Please advise me if you have any solution. Thanks.
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