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Posts posted by JEDB

  1. I have recently migrated from eset 5 to 6 , and the remote administrator has been very uneven in picking up the users (all users were detected in eset 5. of ~150, about 60 are being detected after the migration. Remote Administrator also seems to only intermittently tracking activity on the computers it does see, and will display errors and active threats that have been cleared on the end user's pc (upon remoting into the end user pc, it will show clear of threats, despite continuing to show warnings. I do not use a proxy for the client pcs


    For the pcs that it is not detecting, i am unable to figure out exactly why they have lost communication and are unable to regain contact. I have tried a variety of methods to connect them, without success. First attempts were to deploy a client task to the entry that was migrated to the new server, which only shows failures in task logs, manually installing eset 6 on a non-communicative pc does not appear to get that pc to regain contact with the new server, nor will it attempt to add a new entry. I am assuming that i am missing something, but have not seen any steps within the documentation to address the issue from either the client or server side. any help would be much appreciated.

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