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About Ssooz

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  1. Sorry guys for the late reply! So it does happen with the VPN disconnected though I did test with AMTSO Testing with its Cloudcar file (with Mullvad ENABLED) and it is correctly blocked by ESET so I figure it does reach LiveGrid servers? Thank you both and happy 4th of July!
  2. I didnt. Only added new inbound and outbound rules when trying to get LiveGrid to work.
  3. I have, 80 comes back as CLOSED but 53535 comes back as STEALTH. I have Bell's HomeHub 3000 (which I believe is made specifically for Canada but I could be wrong) which I think acts as both a modem and router. It is known for being not so great at port forwarding which is why I suspect it to be the reason ESET has trouble connecting to its Cloud. Attached below! essp_logs.zip
  4. Hi, I've got this issue where ESET LiveGrid has trouble reaching its online reputation database. I have opened TCP 80, both TCP & UDP 53535 on my modem and even set Firewall rules but I cant seem to get it to work correctly. I suspect something wrong with my modem because testing the ports still return as CLOSED even though they should be OPEN. Am I missing a step? Not sure what I'm supposed to do with all the Hostnames listed on the KB332 webpage... Thank you
  5. You're right it's not listed anymore! I'll switch to Violentmonkey from now on. Thanks again Marcos, I'll mark the post as resolved!
  6. Not completely but it seems to have allowed me to find the culprit. After resetting settings, turning back on "Tamperingmonkey Slick" extension triggers ESET. Can I test the extension any further or send it to ESET for lab analysis or do I just live without it? Thanks Marcos
  7. Hi, for the last week and a half I've been getting prompts about JS/Agent.QEC being blocked by Eset almost everytime I open or close Microsoft Edge. The object that is blocked is "https://storage.googleapis.com/g1analytics/cloud_new_gmiltie-obf.js" I tried full scans but nothing comes up. I have added the Logs to this post. Thank you essp_logs.zip
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