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Posts posted by bananshar

  1. I figured it out. My workflow had a sort of feedback loop.

    Recycle bin was in static group All. There was a built in dynamic group "No manageable security product" where I assigned task to automatically deploy Endpoint. This task was executing before uninstalling Management Agent, so the process looked like this:

    1. Uninstall Endpoint,
    2. restart computer
    3. install Endpoint again
    4. uninstall Management Agent

    I've fixed it by removing installation task from built in dynamic group and assigned it somewhere else.

    I think thread can be closed / deleted.


  2. Hello. I am trying to create automated workflow for uninstalling ESET Endpoint, Management Agent, and recycle license from retired computers and I'm stuck on task never being executed.

    So far I've created according to the notes displayed when trying to manually remove computer from management:

    1. Static group called Recycle bin for retired computers - with password protection policy removed.
    2. Dynamic group called Stage 1 under recycle bin for computers with installed Endpoint
    3. Task for uninstalling Endpoint - with trigger type "Joined Dynamic Group"
    4. Dynamic group called Stage 2 under recycle bin for computers without Endpoint
    5. Task for uninstalling Management Agent - with trigger type "Joined Dynamic Group"

    Problem I have is on stage 1, where virtual machine I'm testing it on has been moved to recycle bin, then assigned to dynamic group and scheduled task execution, but it's been sitting on "planned" for 3 hours. VM has been restarted since then. Earlier I tested a dummy task for displaying a message to the user, and it worked once after 10min delay. After that, I moved VM to a different static group, and back again to the group with the task enabled, and it never triggered again.

    I should note, I'm using task assigned to dynamic group to install Endpoint, however this group sits under default static group ALL, and it works flawlessly.

    Virtual machine: Windows 10 22H2 under Hyper-V on a desktop computer.

    Endpoint version: 10.0.2045.0

    Management Agent version: 10.0.1126.0

    Management Console version:

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