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Posts posted by luckylou

  1. I used the Anti-Theft options with ESET Smart Security and my son took the computer and logged in to the phantom account without me knowing. Once I got the computer back, I marked it via the online system as being "not stolen" but the computer never restarted, and never returned to normal.


    So right now I am locked out of my normal login and I can only use the computer to browse the internet via the phantom account.


    I have tried to go back in and reset the whole thing, uninstalled and reinstalled ESET, opened the phantom account, marked it stolen and then recoverd and still nothing.


    I can't even reset my computer using the Dell recovery because I can only access it from the phantom account. My computer is ruined.


    How can I fix this?!?!


    I am using a Dell Latitude 3340 running Windows 7.

  2. my 5 year old messed with my pc as most children do and because of the software where it would take a picture and ad a location in case my laptop was stolen it locked my accnt out... i went onto the eset website and told the site it wasnt stolen and it still didnt unlock it... my wife uninstalled it off the site and the phontom side of the pc while i wasnt here and now i can only go into the phontom acnt and it wont accept my loggin even if i go in through the phantom as the correct user while using the correct password..... in a nutshell this program has turned my new dell into garbage... i cant get there support team to call me back either.... because im locked out as an admin even though i am using the correct pass it wont let me recover the pc as well... could someone walk me through fixing this please


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