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Posts posted by chaoticz

  1. 1 hour ago, Marcos said:

    A Run command task is executed in the system account which is probably the reason why it doesn't work.

    The task does not require administrator rights, but I already tried elevating privileges like (powershell.exe "C:\temp\wall.ps1 " -Verb runAs) and so (powershell Get-Content c:\temp\wall.ps1 | PowerShell.exe - noprofile -executionpolicy bypass) , files and script are loaded but not executed.

  2. I'm trying to change the desktop background on clients through a client task - executing a command (I don't have AD). I have already tried both CMD and adding to the registry, and through POWERSHELL and nothing comes out, despite the fact that if you do all this locally on a PC, then everything works, but it doesn’t work through the client task :( Maybe someone did something like that .. Help Please

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