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Posts posted by KON_fuSed

  1. Hi Aryeh,

    Thank-you for your reply. In my original post I had said that the newest version of  ESET Sysrescue Live does not work properly on my old computer. But I should also have said that version does work properly and even updates with the newest malware definitions. I verified that it works by running it in virtualbox on my old Win10 computer.

    My concern is that the .iso and .img files of version that I have were not from eset.com. Can you or someone at ESET  give me the SHA256 hash (or similar secure hash)  of ESET Sysrescue Live version ?  That would be hashes for the .iso and .img files. I am sure that someone at ESET has official copies of this previous version if they could just take the time to look.

    Thanks in advance for any help,


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