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Ira Kalmus

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Posts posted by Ira Kalmus

  1. This is disappointing, but not unexpected.  The problem is that I despise Windows 10 and can only barely tolerate Windows 7.

    As ESET 9 was probably the only AV that could allow me to use the OS that I preferred, I gladly renewed without "shopping" for alternatives.  Now ... nothing to stop me from looking for another vendor.  Too bad after 15 years using this product.

    By the way, I'm on my XP box using RDP to access a Win7 "drone" to use Firefox.  I have needed this for some time to access some websites, such as my bank, that cut off XP with claims of "safety Issues."  Seriously, they wouldn't know a safety issue if one smacked them in the head.  I have not had a single issue with XP that ESET NOD32 has not dealt with cleanly in 15 years.  In the last 10, I can't recall seeing a detection that wasn't me playing with something that MS doesn't like, so the AV community tries to kill it.

    So please don't tell me my XP is not "safe."  It is as safe as the user makes it.  I know, I know ... the vast majority of users do not have my knowledge and experience and need corporations to look out for them.  But when self-serving behemoths like MS do that, they sure seem to be looking to enhance their own revenue.  I would have paid for a more compact and efficient version of XP with a consistent user interface that isn't trying to look like Apple.

    I think letting the technically capable think for themselves would not be a bad thing.  But what do I know?  I've only been "doing" computer stuff since 1972.

    It was good run.  Thank you ESET for hanging on this long.  Maybe I'll stick with you.  Depends on how much you raise your prices in our greed driven economy.

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