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Posts posted by Japeth

  1. Enabling SSL scanning may cause various issues, especially with applications that don't honor self-signed root certificates. Also if there's a newer version of a browser utilizing its own trusted root CA certificate store, it would cause issues unless support for the new version of the browser is added by a module update.


    When an issue related to SSL scanning occurs, we'll need to know:

    - whether switching to pre-release updates helps

    - the version of installed modules from the About window

    - the ESET product and version you have installed

    - the operating system and platform you use

    - if the problem occurs only with a particular browser / email client (which one and what version / platform ?) or with any

    - if the problem occurs only on particular https websites (which one?) or with any https website.


    Also do the following:

    - with browsers and email clients closed (check the task manager and make sure they are not running), disable SSL scanning and click OK

    - launch the application (browser) and make sure there's no ESET certificate in the certificate store

    - with browsers and email clients closed (check the task manager and make sure they are not running), enable SSL scanning and click OK

    - launch the application (browser)

    - check if the ESET root certificate appears in the application's trusted root CA certificate store and the system TRCA certificate store.


    Note that in order for SSL scanning to work with portable browsers, the ESET root certificate needs to be exported and imported manually to the application's TRCA certificate store.

    I've just tested Chrome 39.0.2171.95 m (64-bit) with SSL scanning enabled and Internet protection module 1164 installed and I didn't run into any issues whatsoever.


    Enabling SSL scanning may cause various issues, especially with applications that don't honor self-signed root certificates. Also if there's a newer version of a browser utilizing its own trusted root CA certificate store, it would cause issues unless support for the new version of the browser is added by a module update.


    When an issue related to SSL scanning occurs, we'll need to know:

    - whether switching to pre-release updates helps

    - the version of installed modules from the About window

    - the ESET product and version you have installed

    - the operating system and platform you use

    - if the problem occurs only with a particular browser / email client (which one and what version / platform ?) or with any

    - if the problem occurs only on particular https websites (which one?) or with any https website.


    Also do the following:

    - with browsers and email clients closed (check the task manager and make sure they are not running), disable SSL scanning and click OK

    - launch the application (browser) and make sure there's no ESET certificate in the certificate store

    - with browsers and email clients closed (check the task manager and make sure they are not running), enable SSL scanning and click OK

    - launch the application (browser)

    - check if the ESET root certificate appears in the application's trusted root CA certificate store and the system TRCA certificate store.


    Note that in order for SSL scanning to work with portable browsers, the ESET root certificate needs to be exported and imported manually to the application's TRCA certificate store.

    I've just tested Chrome 39.0.2171.95 m (64-bit) with SSL scanning enabled and Internet protection module 1164 installed and I didn't run into any issues whatsoever.


    Looks like I think I know how works this issue,

    (My PC Win 7 Ult 64-bit SP1 PL, ESET SS8, any other extra security app.)

    This issue start rising exactly after upgrade ESET Smart Security to ver 8.

    So looks like described issue appearing in one situation,

    Fresh newest ver. of 64-bit Chrome installation, to the moment when user will logon to his google profile search looks working good,

    After logon to user google account, chrome search option works fine but only in a  first-main tab, when You'll open additionally new tab and inside this newly opened tab You will start searching You will get this issue:


    Web page not available

    Hide details:

    The webpage at https://www.google.pl/search?q=phalanx%20ciws&oq=phalanx%20cw&ie=UTF-8&aqs=chrome.1.69i57j0l2.6733j0j8&sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&bvm=bv.87269000,d.bGQ&biw=1073&bih=676&dpr=1&ech=1ψ=


    might be temporarily down or it may have moved permanently to a new web address.



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