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Posts posted by lmFriend

  1. To create PDF files I installed cups-pdf. For some time now, the printer status has been giving the message after each PDF print
    "Untätig - ld.so: object 'libesets_pac.so' from /etc/ld.so.preload cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored.!"
    out. The error message does not disturb the printing process noticeably at the moment, I cannot say whether something is "stuck" in the background. While doing research on the net, I came across this problem frequently, but I couldn't find a solution. Now I just ask everyone if someone has a tip for me.
    System: Linux Mint 19.3 64 bit with Cinnamon 4.4.8 and Epson network printer WF-3520, PDF driver: Printer-Driver-Cups-PDF 3.0.1-5

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