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John Eddie

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Posts posted by John Eddie

  1. Hi there,

    I hope you are well.

    Recently, our studio takes over a website (https://techmoon.xyz/). After a few months, we found some issues with this website that some of our readers reported that they were blocked to visit our site by ESET.

    We check several times for the website that the virus or any leak, but the security expert and engineer say the website is clear.

    Could you help me to recheck the website? I'm sure this is a false positive, could you please help us to unbanned our website?

    Here's the screenshot:

    I also follow the guide (https://support.eset.com/en/kb141-submit-a-virus-website-or-potential-false-positive-sample-to-the-eset-lab) to submitting the request to sample@eset.com, but it's no response.

    Can you do me a favor the review it?

    Thanks & Regards.

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