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Sekhar Prudhivi

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Posts posted by Sekhar Prudhivi

  1. 11 hours ago, MartinK said:

    If my understanding is correct, dynamic group should be matching clones and not master image. In case image has permanent and unique MAC address or other identifier, dynamic group might in negate form, i.e. something like: NAND MAC equals "<MAC ADDRESS OF MASTER IMAGE".

    Hi Martin,

    In our senario, the MAC id is unique and not same for base image and clones. As suggested by you in another form.


    I created the condition based on the third point , where the mac-id is different for base image and clone and tried to use it as condition to never match.

    Can you provide any other suggestion please.


    Thanks & Regards,

    Sekhar Prudhivi

  2. Hi Martin,

    I am trying to create a dynamic template based on mac id. So that any clone vm which doesnt have the mac id mentioned should add in the dynamic group.



    It shows the below message in the yello exclamation mark.



    Also how can I add more mac-id's of other base images in the same rule? 


    Thanks & Regards,

    Sekhar Prudhivi


  3. 13 hours ago, MartinK said:

    I would recommend to employ dynamic groups to distinguish "master" from other clones, so that reset agent task is executed only on clones, not on master image. More details can be found in older topic:

    Unfortunately there is currently no automatic handling of cloned devices for Linux systems, so I would definitely recommend to open also support ticket and possibly let know your ESET partner regarding this requirement.

    Hi Martin, 

    Thanks for suggesting. I will try this suggestion. Can you guide me how to create the required dynamic template and assign it to the dynamic group please.


    Thanks & Regards,

    Sekhar Prudivi

  4. I have tried that too and the only solution provided is to run Reset Clone agent task. But that is not working as the base image is live and the image gets updated with changes randomly. So everytime you run the "Reset Clone agent" task on base image, it works for some time till the base image is updates with changes . As soon as the changes are made, the clones are generated with the new id which is generated after running the "Reset Clone agent" task. Basically, we are using AWS Autoscale. So looking for help here.

  5. Hi Marcos,

    I have tried , but the Master Image which is based on Linux server. During the chat with Support team, the engineer tried the below steps as per the link (https://support.eset.com/en/kb6911-cloning-computers-in-eset-security-management-center-create-a-new-computer-every-time), but the option to mark the clone VM as Master image was not present.

    Thanks & Regards, 

    Sekhar Prudhivi

  6. Hi All,

    We have installed ESET EMSC in an AWS VM . The ESET AV and ESET agent is installed in a master image which is Linux VM and the new clones are created dynamically based on load using AWS Autoscale feature. The created clones are shutdown automatically based on requirement. Problem is , as master image connects to the ESET EMSC with an agent id, the clones also connect with the same agent id causing "Multiple connections with identical Agent ID"  Error. I reached out to support and was adviced to run "The Reset Cloned Agent" task on the master image which will blacklist the Agent ID of master VM and when the clones connect with the same Agent ID, it will generate new agent id. I have tried but the issue is not resolved and the same error shows on the new clones. Please help.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Sekhar Prudhivi

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