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Posts posted by kosai1111

  1. Hey, dude. This is a common issue for those who have a slow internet, and in the most of the cases slow internet could cause a lot of issue for those who are using internet on a daily basis for work or even for those who are playing online video games. I've met a guy that told me about his problem, when he was playing an online video game, and he was struggling with the slow internet problem as CAM was downloading something, to be honest, this is not a big issue, but if your internet speed is nearly 20 mbps this could cause you some issues. So that's why, this guy thought to change his internet provider to have a better speed coverage, as far as I know he used usave.co.uk to find the best offer in his area as he had a lot of providers, and he did not know how to sort them and to choose the best one. So to say, CAM will not cause you some huge issues if you have a good internet speed, but I am pretty sure that CAM will have some updates, and they will solve this issue.

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