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Posts posted by mashaaa

  1. 10 hours ago, Rami said:

    It can probably be infected or not , like one redirect was infected the other wasn't if you didn't get a detection triggered the second time , the file itself isn't infected , what is infected the page that sends you to another malicious JS script

    Running an expired AV is dangerous , if you are not going to renew ESET or buy a license , you better be running Windows Defender because having an out-of-date AV is bad.

    no worries! i swapped to a new AV when the trial licence expired, also thank you for the response. i was just really confused and you helped me out a lot :)

  2. hi! i use a piece of music software called vocaloid and a few minutes ago, i went to download a vsqx (essentially a vocaloid project file) (hxxp://www.mediafire.com/file/zl6y1de5q22t2vt/Once_Upon_a_December.rar/file) from mediafire, and the website was blocked because ESET detected a trojan called ScrInject.B. i ran it through virustotal (hxxps://www.virustotal.com/gui/url/0b19ab859aaf70e1293eca6f93c89d23c4b9ba09d89a96e61bc8294e4ce12dba/detection) and everything, including ESET, came back clean. i am very confused, could this mean it was a false positive? i am using an expired trial version, and have since swapped antiviruses, so maybe it could be a conflict? i have no idea.


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