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Posts posted by Misti

  1. I’m sure they had access to the phone. Whatever they done installs 12 extra apps (some are the same as I already have), and drains the battery fast.

     I have not installed yet. I was needing to find out if there was any hope restoring the phone, and if so, how could I load it with it being there

  2. Please help me. My android is infected with some kind of spyware or something. I noticed my phone lagged at first, then I started hearing noises and music at different times. Now I can’t get into my FB, my main Email account, Google, everything! My PayPal account is on that email and someone is posting using my FB account, posting my personal pics, which could endanger my kids also. I’m using a different phone right now because everything I enter on the android gets hacked in some way. What can I do to fix this? (BTW, I know who done it)

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