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Posts posted by AlessandroG

  1. Hello  @Peter

    Hi everyone, I performed the indicated procedure and disabled the UDP ports. Unfortunately after connecting via horizon client with Blast protocol through UAG , just logged in to the VM automatically. the vm enters an error and is reset.

    I'm sorry but this doesn't seem like the solution

    I am also available for a remote session if you wish to check

    Reguard Alessandro

  2. 12 minutes ago, Marcos said:

    This is untrue. We contacted VMware and provided them with details about the problem in their driver. It's their turn now.

    This thing you write and it is quite strange, because

    1) Vmare  know nothing and keep asking me for info.

    Do you have any details on which VMware drivers are causing the issue?

    2) I ask Microsoft articles about this bug, which you didn't provide either

    Any Microsoft reference to the same?

    3) I haven't seen a reply from any of the two parties yet, I am told that my case is under analini, then we say all is not my case and given that from what you tell me is a known problem.



    Write the problem on the Vmware forum somewhere so that I, like so many other users, can still ask for a solution to the problem more strongly.

    As they say in Italian, "words don't make trains run, facts are needed"

    None of the development support wrote anything about this problem. In your opinion, who do I believe? For me, you're just throwing the ball over to the other side

    Thanks Alessandro




  3. Update  VMware :

    VMware Support Request 19172949104    [ ref:_00D409hQR._5002H18KQak:ref ]

    ** Please do not change the subject line of this email if you wish to respond. **

    Hello Alessandro,

    Thank you for the information provided. 
    What exact product are you using? Can you confirm that all required ports are opened as described by the user facing similar problems
    Do you have any details on which VMware drivers are causing the issue? Any Microsoft reference to the same? 
    I haven't being able to find any relevant information regarding this.

    Best regards,


    Update Eset  :



    da quanto comunicato dal supporto ESET, i nostri analisti hanno verificato un memory Dump dal quale a una prima analisi sembrerebbe che il problema sia in qualche modo da imputare ai VMware driver. In questo scenario non abbiamo modo di intervenire ulteriormente e in modo diretto.

    Il supporto italiano fornisce supporto di primo e secondo livello sui prodotti ESET.  E' il settore sviluppo ESET ad essere chiamato in causa in questo caso.


    In quanto cliente VMware dovrebbe Lei aprire direttamente un canale di assistenza con i tecnici VMware e presentare il problema, attendendo una verifica anche da parte loro. Una volta aperto questo ticket sul problema possiamo in qualche modo cercare di far comunicare i due settori sviluppo in modo che possano affrontare insieme il problema stesso.


    Questo è quanto ci è stato indicato dai nostri colleghi di ESET Corporate.






    two big companies can't talk to each other and solve a problem that leads to both problems for their customers. In my humble opinion, it seems to me a lack of respect for customers. Surely you as Vmware have more resources than a common user, I don't think it's hard to get in touch with you.


    Best reguard

    Alessandro Ghezzi


  4. Hi Marcos


    For your information I have also carried out these exclusions, but I did not get any results.

    What seems strange to me that a vodstro user who pays for both your own and Vmware's assisetnezé, must try again when it would be easier for the two software houses to talk to each other.

    Thanks Alessandro









  5. 2 hours ago, Marcos said:

    I'm not aware of any public statement by Microsoft re. this issue. We analyzed a dump from such crash and concluded that it was caused by a VMWare driver which was also confirmed by Microsoft when we consulted it with their developers. If VMWare contacts us, we can provide them with information that data that would help them fix the issue.

    Hi Marcos

    i copy VMWare's answer

    Hello Alessandro,

    Thank you for your support request.
    My name is Goran and I am assigned this case.
    I understand that there is an issue with antivirus software that is causing problems in View environment.
    In order to avoid such problems you may review kb article (2082045) from VMware documentation. It provides the list of .exe files from Horizon View that need to be added to antivirus exclusion list to prevent interference.



    Naturally I tried this solution without any positive result. I add that anceh the documetnaizoni me sebra old when some files do not exist  :(


  6. Thanks Marcos

    i open ticket on WMWARE

    Support Request Confirmation Number:19172949104
    Support Request Status:
    Open (Unassigned)
    Date and Time Created:
    2019-04-23 10:51
    Target Response Time:
    2019-04-23 14:51 (GMT+02:00) Jordan Standard Time
    I hope that this problem will resolved
    Thanks Alessandro 
  7. Hello everyone, I switched to horizon, so as to virtualize the workstations. Unfortunately, the antivirus creates some problems for me. When users connect with the Blast protocol, the VMs reset, showing the classic blue screen. I tried to suspend the antivirus but I didn't get any results, uninstalling the antivirus, everything is back to normal. Would you give me some advice?


    Thanks Alessandro

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