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Posts posted by rockyesetlover

  1. any update on this issue ?

    my pc is without ESS from last 24hrs.

    does this means we should stay away from public update? or

    does this means i must format and lost lots stuff of my winxp sp3 ?

    eset coder please specify why your product not able to update on some pc and windows?

    what reason STARTING service failing?

    what reason this not even let reinstall after full uninstall?

    plz rply.

  2. i am facing problem after updating eset to latest version pc stuck and not boot.

    i am able to uninstall with utility on kb but not able to re install fresh ESS always fail to start driver.


    uninstall log.


    fresh install log link




    i am using administartor account even same issue.

    i do not want to format my windows without reason.


    i did manually check all kb post before posting here.

    i am sure there is serious bug in autoupdate which not let uninstall some drivers which eset ess product need to reinstall.

    as i am unable to find it because every time its stuck on starting driver and roll back action pc become hang and only in safe mode become alive again.

    then only uninstall tool able to fix to pc back to current state.

    but again i am not able to install eset ess at any present solution posted on web.


    Please help me this issue is sudden dead i am without firewall or antivirus at present.



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