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Posts posted by Pamq

  1. Since yesterday, when I am in ESET, and only when I am in ESET, the number keys on both my laptop keyboard and also on the connected separate keyboard, malfunction such that the number shown on the monitor/screen does not correspond with the number-key I have pressed.  This applies to both the number-keys along the tops of the keyboards as well as the number keys on the 10-key section on the right-hand side of the keyboards.  It is somewhat random, but sometimes it just repeats the last number input from two to several times - and again, this occurs no matter what number-key I am pressing. Sometimes, the typing of a number-key produces a decimal point, although I have not touched that key at all.

    For instance, if I press the keys 0123456789, it will type something random like 11185.555

    When I was trying to input my credit card number, I tried typing in a bunch of numbers and then cut/pasting them around to get the right number, and sometimes, it would paste the numbers, and then when I tried hitting the back arrow key to get to a place to paste, hitting the back arrow key produced numbers!  Randomly!  

    I went to my START >CONTROL PANEL >DEVICE MANAGER (etc.) to check on the keyboards, and that said the keyboards were working properly.

    And again, it is only when I am in ESET that this is occurring.  When I exit ESET, the keyboards type numbers properly.

    PLEASE HELP SOON!  I need to pay bills online!

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