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About Endaer

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  1. Does flushing the update cache via the advanced update setup make a difference? You could also consider uninstalling v6 and installing v7. Magic! I did not realize that I can clear the update cache, but that did the trick, and now I could update the db. Thanks for your help, much appreciated!
  2. Hi there fellow ESS users and staff, for 3 days now, my ESS v6 is keep showing me an error message upon attempting to update the virus signature database: "Undocumented serious error (0x1106)" I have updated the ESS itself (it was offering a newer version), but still no changes regarding the error and I'm blocked from updating my signature db. Can anyone point me into the right direction, where to go from here? I have windows 7 professional x64, no pirated version as I have a company laptop with all softwares bought.
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