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About pedronoliveira

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  1. Hi all, We are implementing a ERAS and Endpoit Security from ESET on our company, I've sucessfully instaled and configured ERA Server and the ERA Console on one of our servers running Windows Server 2008 R2, I've configured it and already have some test clients on it. But today it started with problems, and I can't login from the console, I'm just getting a message stating can't connect, and I'm quite sure the password of the Administrator account is 100% correct. I already followed the indications stated here but so far no luck. Any other solutions I may try? I'm on the latest version of all the products.
  2. Hi all, I'm evaluating the possibility of adopting a ESET Endpoint Security, ERA Remote Server and Console solution on the company I work, I already have a demo license from ESET, and I'm currently testing this solution. However, I'm having trouble with ERA Remote Server and Console, I installed the Remote Server on a VM with Windows Server 2008 R2 64 BIT, along with a mySQL database engine, and most of the times I loose connection to it from the Administrator Console, and can't connect back to it again. This has been happening since day one of the start of the testing of this solution. Sometimes even after restarting the VM with the Remote Server installed, I can't connect to it, however if I telnet the machine by xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 2223, I get the normal result of connection ok. Is this happening because the VM is 64BIT? Is there anywhere I can check the logs to understand what is the problem? Thanks in advance.
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