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Posts posted by llMadManll

  1. BrentMc,


    I'm still waiting for ESET's confirmation whether it is theirs or some mal-ware, I did not reformat yet.


    I was using ESET Smart Security 6 before and I already have a phantom account named "MadMan" in which I'm notified by Anti-Theft whenever I logged in to it.

    But when I updated to 7, that "oymlgoleopw" account came out. A total of three user accounts, my own account, "MadMan" and "oymlgoleopw".

    I tried deleting the last user account but it keeps coming back.

    I was thinking that the "MadMan" account is a phantom from version 6 and if the "oymlgoleopw" is for 7 maybe it would be fine to delete the "MadMan", so I did. 


    I only had two user accounts for two days, but not today, another user account came out named "cndqyoxf".

    Is it because version 6 regenerated the phantom account with an odd name again?

    Well, I wish this is just some error in eset's and not some mal-ware.

    But then, I'm glad I'm not alone.  :)

  2. CB530,


    I already have a phantom account in which I edited the default given name with another name. And also, whenever I tried logging in to this 'odd' account I won't be notified by ESET through the email add I've given. Maybe this is just some worm that is circling around my system. I'll try renaming this account or if not reformatting my system and see if this will keep coming back whenever I install ESET IS 7 Beta. Thanks! :)

  3. I don't know if this has something to do with ESET 7 Beta but days after when I updated and tried a version of ESET Smart Security 7 Beta I've noticed that there is another user account named oymlgoleopw in my log-on screen.  I've tried deleting the account thrice but it keeps coming back whenever I reboot.  I did full scan the system couple of times but eset cannot detect anything.  I am running a Home Premium 64-bit OS and I would like to ask any information about this User Account. Thanks.

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