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Posts posted by shlomy223

  1. hello my name is shlomy.
    and i have an issue with eset products i
    would like you to help me with.
    the issue is like this:
    when i'm finish to install one of the
    eset products it's not loading
    automaticaly when the windows operating
    system is up.
    and i found out on "task
    manager-"startup" option-"eset command
    line interface" program or service is
    not responding
    when i'm trying to enable it or disable
    so this is the problem.but i'm trying to
    find a solution to this issue.please you
    can send me an answer also to

    please do it as quickly as you can.and
    also one other thing the product works
    when i'm loading it manually from the
    "start menu"
    of the operating system.but on windows
    startup it's not.
    so i need it to work perfectly.i don't
    want to forget to load it manually
    maybe i need to run an uninstaller of
    eset av,eis,ess.or it's probably a
    service.i don't know.



  2. hey my name is shlomy and i have an issue with my eset smart security 9 i would like to discuss about.all my "network protection" on eset interface setup->network protection is disabled and i don't know why is that.i'm running it on windows xp pro sp3 operating system.please tell me what can i do in order to fix it?.you can send me an answer back to my email address also: [email address removed to protect your privacy] .waiting for your answer.btw i added attached file i mean an screenshot image that explain the problem i talked about.


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