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Posts posted by VincentVegas

  1. 2 hours ago, foneil said:

    It's just saying that to run the tool, you need to be in Safe Mode hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2268/#W10

    When I start in safe mode the MS Live login does not work anymore. Luckily I own several PC and was able to create a Win10 USB stick, boot from it, call bcdedit to delete the save mode entry, add a local administrator account and finally delete ESET.

    As this seems to be a problem for many Win10 users a warning/advice should really be included.

  2. I have been using ESET Smart Security for some months now, until I could not get rid of false positive. So I uninstalled the package.

    Now when I try to reinstall it the installer tells me that the product is already installed. Obviously this is not correct. Is there no easy method of removing the rest of the package?

    I followed hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2289/#Windows10 and am shocked how complicated it is.

    When I finally start the tool, the following happens:

    Installed ESET products:
            1. ESET Smart Security

    Enter selection of the ESET product you wish to uninstall, and then press enter (hint: to abort press 'q'):

    ERROR! Your computer is running in an unsafe mode. To uninstall ESET Smart Security, please run this application in safe mode or with a live CD/DVD/USB.

    I never came across such a bad uninstall solution.

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