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Posts posted by Rob75206

  1. Hi MichalJ,

    Thanks for your reply. I forgot to mention that we're using Endpoint Security for OS X, so there is no profiles option available. The profiles option is only available in Windows policies.

    I found this article which seems to describe what I need to do: hxxp://support.eset.com/kb3621/#OSXLinux

    However, I'm not sure what I need to do in step 5B: "type the IP address into the Proxy server field and port number (default is 3128) into the Port field"

    What server are they referring to or what IP address do I need to type here? Does the ERA server act as the proxy, meaning this should be the internal IP of our ERA server? The only ESET server we have is the ERA server, we don't have a "proxy" server.

  2. I've got it working so agents can communicate with the ERA server over the internet and policy changes are successfully pushed out to remote agents. The only problem is that when agents are outside the office, they can't update the virus signature database. In the "Update" section of the client on the laptop, it shows the message "could not connect to server".

    In the policy settings, the primary and secondary update servers are set to "choose automatically". How does this work, does that mean it tries to update from the ERA server, but then does not try to update from ESET's public update servers? How do I know which servers it is choosing?

    How can I configure this so agents will update when outside the office?

    Thanks again for your help...

  3. Thanks Martin - A couple follow up questions:

    Are you talking about the Server Certificate or the Agent Certificate?

    Right now, the host field in both the Server Cert and Agent cert, is set to * (wildcard). Although this isn't recommended, would this work for our purposes? If so, I'd like to set it up like this for now, just to get everything working.

    Then I'd go back and change it later to the specific hostname/IP, after confirming everything else worked properly.

  4. We have ERA setup on an internal server on our LAN, and agents from inside the office can currently connect to the ERA over the LAN. However, since most endpoints are laptops and many users work remotely, we also want to set things up so agents can connect to ERA over the internet. I'm hoping someone can outline the steps necessary to accomplish this?

    I understand that I need to open port TCP 2222 in the firewall, so internet traffic can reach ERA:   hxxp://support.eset.com/kb3304/

    It also looks like I can configure the policy to point to more than one address for the ERA server, so agents would first try the local LAN IP of the ERA server, then try the public internet IP: hxxp://help.eset.com/era_admin/65/en-US/index.html?admin_pol_planed_for_migration.htm

    What else would I need to do? Would I need to create a different certificate, or would I need two certificates (one for LAN, one for internet)?

    Any advice would be much appreciated!

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