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  1. Hi MartinK Great thank you for that, it worked a charm. I just booted the ERA VA into VMWARE workstation, opened up the dracut.conf added the 3 additional drivers and exited out. Then prepared the kernal and exported it back to OVF and re-imported into Xen and boots no problems. Thank you Kind Regards. Jason
  2. Sorry about the double post, didn't think the first one went through :-) I have also booted the ERA 6.4 into VMware Workstation and exported out as an ovf and tried re importing it and no luck either, having the same problem.
  3. Hi All We have ERA VA 6.3 running on XenServer 6.5 without any problems. I want to update the ERA VA to 6.4 to take advantage of the new CentOS. I was going to build VA 6.4 as a fresh install and then migrate the clients over. However when booting ERA 6.4 on both XenServer 6.5 and 7, I'm getting boot errors: dracut-initqueue [312]: Warning: /dev/centos_ba-eraappl-v/root doesn't exist dracut-initqueue [312]: Warning: /dev/centos_ba-eraappl-v/swap doesn't exist dracut-initqueue [312]: Warning: /dev/mapper/centos_ba--eraappl--v-root doesn't exist Any ideas how to fix this? Thanks Jason
  4. Hi All, We have ERA 6.3 VA deployed on XenServer 6.5 no problems, however we are looking at migrating to the new ERA 6.4 VA, we were going to do a new ERA 6.4 deployment to get the new CentOS and then migrate the clients. However we are having problems with ERA 6.4 not booting on XenServer, The line of interest in the journalctl logs are era.local dracut-initqueue[312]: Warning: /dev/centos_ba-eraappl-v/root does not exist era.local dracut-initqueue[312]: Warning: /dev/centos_ba-eraappl-v/swap does not exist era.local dracut-initqueue[312]: Warning: /dev/mapper/centos_ba--eraappl--v-root does not exist Has anyone got 6.4 running on XenServer? Thanks Jason
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