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Posts posted by D-vid

  1. hxxp://f.cl.ly/items/402W3f0y3L1c3p3w2V0m/Screen%20Shot%202013-07-19%20at%205.10.56%20PM.png

    Here's the SS of the error I received.


    Here's an SS of the reason I tried to update it manually.


    Here's an SS of the thing SAYING my DB is good, even though it's out of date.




    So, here's how it went:

    I got the error saying to update the DB, and then I went to do that and it gave the undocumented error message, and then I went back to the main screen and then BACK to the DB update screen and it showed that my DB is current when it wasn't(as you can see by the date on the computer and the date it said it last updated).


    I need a fix, ASAP.


    I even updated the PROGRAM(since there's an update) and it's still doing it after that, and I can't update my definitions! :-o






  2. *Forgot to log in before posting the last post" at #160


    I would like to update few things, if the memory usage can be futhermore reduced for eset smart security 7 that will be a great advantages for those people running on computer with lower RAM. Currently the usage experience was smooth and no other problems has been noticed. Hope to see more features coming in.



    Alex Wee


    *EDIT: Can i know how to add exception to certain exception on files or folder during scanning the computer drives? Either i miss it or I can't find it in advance setup."

    I agree fully. I ran it on a PC with 3GB RAM on Win7x64, and it took for EVER to work.


    I still say that the menus and GUI in general should be geared towards touch interfaces now that there are more Windows Mobile Tablets/Laptops in the marketplace. :)



    No!! Out of the question! If you want to do that then keep the regular interface for those who will have nothing to do with touch interfaces...


    There are still people who keep their computing at home on big monitors which are not suitable for touch interfaces...


    I fully agree. I would NOT like to see ESET touch optimized at all. If you do, I would hope that you make it so that users may choose between the two UI's, rather than going exclusively either way. Just my thoughts.


    On another note, I haven't experienced any problems with ESET(other than VERY SLOW scan times on one of my slower computers I use for testing). On my MacBook Pro(under Boot Camp), this ESS certainly runs like a god, as well as no bugs or problems have been observed so far. Will let you know if any are found. :)

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