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Posts posted by FuelRO

  1. So after restart there was no change: disabling the antiransomware from startup had no impact on egui.exe. This started suspended.

    What did the trick albeit temporary I guess was to use Proces Explorer, a microsoft program designed to analyze in details all the running apps, services, processes. With this I was able to identify the suspended egui.exe, go to its Properties and click on Resume. This has started the user interface and after a restart it seems to not disappear anymore. 


    Of course this cannot be the solution..but right now I am ok with using this workaround until a fix is in place. Hope this thread will help someone else facing the same.

  2. OK....somehow my intuition was correct. The issue is back again after a restart. Again the egui.exe is suspended. Do you guys have any other idea?

    Both ELC and Sysinspector take forever to load and I cannot use them. But if you think I should try again with one of them, I will.


    The drivers are all updated so I guess this is not causing the problem.  Will try also to stop the antiransomware and restart and see if that is causing an issue. Will keep you posted.

  3. I use Nod32 Antivirus and MBAM Premium plus on-demand ADW cleaner and had no issues so far! I have had cases where even though Nod32 was running, I caught a couple of malware and only with MBAM and ADW or Spybot I was able to remove them..spc3rd is right..there is no single software capable to recognizing and blocking all malware.

  4. Hi guys! Thank you for your swift replies :)


    So to answer your questions:

    - no dump file in the Diagnostics location

    - i tried to run the sysinspector...for whatever reason this also takes forever to load..and I had to stop it after more than 1 hour loading...

    - I have whitelisted nod32 in the other software configuration (I cannot whitelist the anti-ransomware in Nod32 because I cannot open the interface) and I will now restart my system to see if any change has been done


    Will keep you posted!

  5. Hi guys!


    I have been reading through the forum and general internet about an issue I started to have all of the sudden last week. I was using NOD32 Antivirus version 8.something updated with the latest virus definitions. One day I noticed that the Eset icon is no longer in my tray and I thought that maybe I made a change and the antivirus was not at startup. So I attempted to manually start it. Of course nothing happened. I tried few more things, adding a shortcut in shel:startup, uninstalling and reinstalling and nothing changed.


    To give you some context, I am living in Germany and last week one of my colleagues managed to get infected with the infamous Petya ransomware (the irony is that this happened on the world's backup day :) ...pretty funny but painful for my colleague who lost everything and had to replace the hdd). His mishap opened my eyes that I should ensure I am well protected. I am normally using Eset Nod32 as antivirus (and I am very happy with it since 5-6 years already), Malwarebytes and ADW cleaner so until now I did not have any issues. However because of this ransomware being very new and very dangerous, I decided to find an anti-ransomware software and installed one called WinAntiRansom which seemed ok. 


    A couple of days after installing this new software I started having issues with Eset AV. So not sure if they are connected but they could be..Anyway, sorry for the long bracket...basically since last week I upgraded Nod32 to version 9. uninstalled it and reinstalled it a few times ad finally yesterday I had my nice GUI back Today however it is gone again. This is not a huge issue because I see that ekrn.exe is running in the background so I am protected but it is annoying not to be able to use the interface in case you want to run spot checks or enable gamer mode :).


    I also tried to install the log collector but I have to say I lost my patience after 40 minutes as the software seemed to not move past a specific step and it made me a bit crazy. Also I should mention that briefly when restarting my laptop after a fresh install of Eset I saw an error message stating that egui.exe cannot start because a dll was missing. The DLL in question is sciter-x.dll so I tried also downloading from some place and placing it in the system32 folder but to no avail.


    So i am coming back to you asking for your help please. I have raised also a ticket with the Eset support team last week but no response until now (they did say it may take up to 7 working days to reply so we're still in the timeframe but I would like to ask for your help as you may have been in the same situation and perhaps already have an idea of what to do next).


    Some quick specs: Windows 10 Pro, Nod32 v 9 (latest version). Currently if I check the status of the 2 services related to Eset I can see that ekrn.exe is running while egui.exe is suspended.


    Any advice you may have is much appreciated! Thank you!

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