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Posts posted by pedderautoit2

  1. Hello,


    I have a web control rule that block certain categories that we deemed NSFW. One of the categories we are blocking is "Parked," a subcategory of "Security and Malware." I was wondering what exactly is the "Parked" category supposed to represent? We blocked it because it is under "Security and Malware" but now we have a site we need(nationalautocare.com) that is being blocked because it is recognized as the "Parked" category. This site does not seem to be malicious. Could it be a mistake that it is under the "Parked" category and is it a false positive? Thank you for your time.


  2. Thanks, this worked. However I will note that by default in Endpoint, Web Control is off. So if the previous policy had Web Control Rules, and you try to overwrite it with a policy mirroring the defaults, it won't work. You will have to create a policy with a new web control rule to overwrite the previous rule. I set the rule to allow all categories. This is effectively the same as having web control off and it overwrites in previous rules you had in web control.



  3. Hello,


    I am needing help with removing old policy configuration on computers. 

    I am using ESET Remote Administrator (Server), Version with ESET Endpoint 6.3.2016.0.


    I have a Static Group named "TEST" where I test policies on. I apply the policy to the "TEST" group. Then I will place a computer in the "TEST" group. The computer in the "TEST" group inherits the policy as it should. When I remove the the computer from the "TEST" group, the policy is removed. I checked this in the computer details under "Applied Policies." However, even though the policy is removed, it still has the same configuration that policy set on it. Is there a task I can run or policy I can apply that will revert the Endpoint's configuration to the defaults? Thank you for your time.

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