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Getting ransomware protection for version NOD 32 ver.8


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The "ransomware protection" is available in V.10 and is implemented on HIPS level, that means is based on a specific set of rules.


Can we get that set of rules to add them manually in version 8 and have the same level of "ransomware protection" as in V10?



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Details about Ransomware protection in Eset 10



I would like to ask, how the new HIPS's anti-ransomware module exactly works



It monitors the behavior of running processes and asks you for an action if suspicious operations have been detected.







The new Anti-ransomware protection is indeed based on HIPS and monitors activity of processes and it's reputation. In case it resembles behavior usual for filecoders it takes an action and informs the user.


Regards, P.R.


So is HIPS based or not?????

Edited by John Alex
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It is but it's much more complex than just creating a bunch of HIPS rules and hiding them from the user. It's a smart mechanism that has been in our products since v7 when it silently triggered memory scans upon detection of a suspicious activity and now has evolved to a more effective interactive antiransomware protection.

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Shouldn't Ransomware protection be called Anti-ransomware protection?


Ransomware protection is grammatically correct. Anti aka against. So best phraseology would be anti-ransomware software for example.  

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Yes, ransomware protection means protection against ransomware. Anti-ransomware protection would mean protection from anti-ransomware, i.e. something that stops you from protecting yourself against ransomware, which doesn't really make any sense.

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