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Unable to login ERA

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  • ESET Staff

There seems to be problem with database. Please check whether it is running and accessible by ERA server in case it is located on different machine.

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  • ESET Staff

Have you tried to restart operating system? Three should be also relevant errors in SERVER's trace.log that should be indicating connection problem.

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Yes, I have restarted the server.


After restart it works for 30 seconds and then it automatically logged out.


Please let me know, If you need trace logs for further analysis.

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  • ESET Staff

Please let me know, If you need trace logs for further analysis.


Yes, you can send me private message with trace.log (latest one should be sufficient).

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Hi Martin,


I have tried restarting, as system start ERAServer.exe & sqlserver.exe taking high memory uses (it occupying 1500000-2000000 kilo bytes). 


As I open ERA in browser, memory uses start increasing rapidly.


Please guide, how I can tackle this situation.

Edited by chetankb1
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  • ESET Staff

From logs you provided it seems few computers are generating extremely large amount of threat logs which may be reason of this problem. Your database is most probably not capable of accepting this amount of data and therefore memory grows. My recommendation is to check clients, especially bill*******ss, ts***rd, sh********al, cas***********ng and fin**********a as they are producing huge amount of antivirus threat logs or their quarantine contains many entries.

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