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Failed to load Data: Internal report error.

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After upgrading ESET Remote Administrator components via the ERA console. I get "Failed to load data: Internal report error." displayed in the middle of my screen when I try to set a task. It appears on all task categorizes in both client and server tasks. I found a KB article stating the ERA Server and Web Console have to be the same version for a similar but different error. Right now, I am running ERA Server ver. and ERA Web Console ver. It looks like the Web Console upgraded but the server did not. Do I have to manually upgrade the server and will it require a restart of the physical machine?


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If the ERA is installed on a Windows machine, you should upgrade the server manually. Stop the tomcat, era server service, install the new era server over the old one and then start the era server again.

You can download 6.3 installers from here:hxxp://support.eset.com/kb6114/

If I may ask, why you are not upgrading to version 6.4?

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I planned on upgrading to ver.6.4, that was the reason behind the component upgrade. After the component upgrade I was not able to create any task to continue. I thinking ERA itself chose 6.3 or got hung up somewhere. I will let you know if any other problems occur. Thank you for the link. Just to clarify the Tomcat service is the apache tomcat.

Edited by Nightspear
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