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What is the benefit of SSL scanning


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I just upgraded to V 9 and noticed that this version contains SSL scanning. I think this may have been included in earlier versions but was not enabled by default.  Using AV on a desktop for "normal" use, I don't quite understand what exactly is being done with this feature. I read some articles about scanning encrypted traffic and while I can see this makes sense for certain types of email, how is this relevant for me as a user going to a https website?  I am not trying to be difficult, just would like to understand. 

It seems that this traffic is now routed somehow via eset or uses some eset certificates and I would like to understand how this improves my security as an enduser.  I believe https websites and their certifcates are already protected/checked by the browsers  and I guess using open dns, ip addresses are being checked there?  While I have found some links about how to enable this or how to deal with problems arising from this, I could not find anything explaining the need for this in the first place. Any explanation or link to such would be greatly appreciated.

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With SSL scanning enabled, ESET will be able to:

- scan email received via secure protocols IMAPS and POP3S even if your email client is not supported (e.g. Thunderbird)

- block https websites (either malicious ones or those that fall under specific categories blocked by Parental Control)

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Thank you Marcos, seems to me beneficial though not absolutely necessary for everyone.


Well, blocking https sites serving malware that is not detected by other protection layers is actually a good reason for everyone to keep it enabled  ;)

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