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This is a weird one and was driving me "buggy" for a while.


If the Eset GUI is open and I try to start a process for which I have previously defined a HIPS rule to allow, Eset will throw an alert on the process startup. However without Eset GUI open, the startup rule works fine.

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I was unable to reproduce this with one allowing rule for an application created. The application was started without any prompt regardless of whether I had gui open or not. Maybe the fact that you have multiple HIPS rules created matters? Perhaps you could export your existing config, delete all rules but one allowing one and see if you can still reproduce it.

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Dang! You're right. I can't dup it either now although I did allow it once when it occurred.


Will post back when I can duplicate.


BTW - I greatly reduced the number of my custom HIPS rules since the HIPS was driving me crazy in ver. 9. Only have a few critical ones now. Will probably rely on Emsisoft's behavior blocker to catch anything Eset's HIPS does not catch in Smart mode. A lot less burdensome that way.

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