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Secure Authentication Idle Time

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Is there a way to change the idle time for Secure Authentication OTP when logged in to Remote Web Access?  I'm running Server 2012 R2 and Secure Authentication version  Whenever someone logs in to RWA and is idle for some time, the OTP page comes up.

Edited by latinkreationz
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  • ESET Staff



Simply, no. You are not able to set timeout values. But, this may be caused also by other things such as configuration of RDP web itself (e.g. https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/2ab2bec7-a0ab-4840-9089-d59b3c5cf940/rdweb-timeout-sessions?forum=winserverTS).

Can you please ask you reseller to create an official support ticket for this one? So support can look into it, rule out the non-ideal configurations and if  applicable create an improvement request for the future.





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