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OS X ERA Agent Installation Question


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I am hoping to get some guidance and information from the community (or ESET directly) on how to proceed with OS X desktop deployments. A little bit of background, I'm in the process of evaluating AV software for our SMB (~150 users). Right now it's between ESET and another AV provider.


I've manually installed the ESET Remote Administrator server software on AWS (also, why only Azure images?) and the only way that I'm getting a .dmg that utilizes the ESET Remote Administrator functionality involves certificate exchanges, i.e. having a peer or CA certificate on the local machine and then selecting it. Or involves running a bash shell script. Neither of these options is really convenient, especially when the other AV provider software installation automatically generates a .dmg that connects to their hosted cloud management interface. 


So I guess my question is this: Is there a way to build a .dmg that can install the ERA Agent for OS X that doesn't require cert distribution or running a bash script?


Thank you in advance!

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  • ESET Staff

Unfortunately there is currently no other installer type available for Mac OS X. There are future plans to prepare dmg installer with both AGENT and Security product, but I don't there is any ETA.

As an alternative, "Remote installation task" is not suitable for you? It uses SSH connection from SERVER to client machines to deploy AGENT - it is easiest way how to deploy AGENT in case you have SSH access to clients.

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  • 2 months later...

I have tried to upgrade OSX users to the latest Agent 6.4 and the upgrade using the ERA will not work.


I have also tried the EraAgentInstaller.sh file which I generated from the ERA and that fails too with the following errors... looks like a OSX 10.12 issue?


EraAgentInstaller.sh: line 7: : No such file or directory
EraAgentInstaller.sh: line 9: : No such file or directory
EraAgentInstaller.sh: line 70: : No such file or directory
tee: : No such file or directory
EraAgentInstaller.sh: line 136: : No such file or directory
Downloading installer image 'hxxp://repository.eset.com/v1/com/eset/apps/business/era/agent/v6/':
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100 26.3M  100 26.3M    0     0  4273k      0  0:00:06  0:00:06 --:--:-- 3888k
EraAgentInstaller.sh: line 148: : No such file or directory
Checking integrity of of downloaded package /tmp/EraAgentOnlineInstaller.dmg.L09Xaze9: OK
Mounting image '/tmp/EraAgentOnlineInstaller.dmg.L09Xaze9':
hdiutil: attach: cannot convert "" to URL
Usage:    hdiutil attach [options] <image>
hdiutil attach -help
ls: fts_open: No such file or directory
Installing package '/':
installer: Error the package path specified was invalid: '/'.
Cleaning up:


Anyone else fixed this?

Edited by plittlefield
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  • ESET Staff

There seems to be problem with basic UNIX shell commands .. could you execute it explicitly with system shell interpreter? For example:

sudo /bin/bash EraAgentInstaller.sh

We have seen similar shell execution error in case different interpreter was used (i.e. installed as third-party package).


I it won't help, please provide execution details when script is executed using:

sudo /bin/bash -x EraAgentInstaller.sh

with stripped sensitive information (those large base64 blocks, hostnames, ...)

Edited by MartinK
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