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Disable proxy using vbs

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Hello! First of all I would like to say that I am new to this forum so as the product! 


I have local network with 180 workstations with eset as an antivirus program. What I want to accomplish is to disable proxy server on all client machines! So is there any possibility to disable proxy using VBS or maybe it could be done using registry? 

Thank you in advance!

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  • ESET Staff

Seem one of answers in hxxp://superuser.com/questions/419696/in-windows-7-how-to-change-proxy-settings-from-command-line (especially one linking this topic) may be helpful.

I am just curious - could you please describe why would you do that and what is it's relation to ERA?

Edited by MartinK
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Ok, it seems that I asked my question incorrectly ...!

At this moment each ESET antivirus takes updates from internet using proxy server which now is no longer available. It means that I need to change each ESET antivirus configuration to disable proxy server usage. If I would have an ERA server I think I could be able to remotely change configuration of all ESET antivirus apps, but since I don't have one I'm forced to create some logon script for GPO to do that! Now what I'm interested in is a possibility of using windows registry to disable proxy server usage in ESET Antivirus.

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Remember you don't need a full server to run ERA, and for 180 machines an ERA would make a *massive* difference to your management of these machines. And I don't just mean management of ESET - ERA has a "run command" task, and we use that frequently for running commands on client machines - registry updates, restarting services, etc.


ERA is designed for managing the AV software, but the "run command" task is actually a brilliant bonus feature.



If you have a server, install it. If not, then I believe it will install onto a windows client (e.g. Windows 10) although it may not be officially supported. Or, download the "appliance" and use that.


It's worth it, and once you have it in place you will never look back.




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  • Administrators

I agree. Without ERA you wouldn't be able to adjust ESET's settings as the registry values with settings are protected by Self-defense by default.

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