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ERA 6.3 to 6.4 / licence management

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i wanted to know if it's possible to customize the new licence manager.

because now we can't see on a single screen which licence is overused, to renew... it is SO unconvinient to clic on every licence to see the status...

it was SO easy on 6.3 i don't understand why this screen have been changed !

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if you login to ela.eset.com you will see overused licenses on the first tab (Dashboard). You then get more details on the Unit Distributions tab.



Also, within 6.4, you see the same information - you see the expiration date and also the number of units versus the number of licenses (eg 38/40):







Edited by jimwillsher
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in fact no, i don't have this "all licences" view as it was in 6.3...

i only have a list, and i don't see in 1 view all the state, as in the picture, i have to expand all the licences to find which are in alter status.



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  • ESET Staff

Reason is, that you have added all license keys directly. Solution would be, to add all of those licenses into one security admin account in ELA and then add this one to ERA. With this setup, you will have all of your licenses in the one view you want.

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