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Cant Download Package ERA6.4

Go to solution Solved by Anand Rachaita,

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i cant download 32 or 64 package form local deployment in all in one installer if any one face problem in 6.4 era post here


screenshot attached



error - object not present in object storage





Vimarsh P.







Edited by Anand Rachaita
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  • ESET Staff

Hello, we have identified a bug, where on slower internet connection it might fail, due to hard-coded timeout set to 120 seconds. Meaning, if your internet connectivity is not fast enough to download the agent & endpoint installers in time below 2 minutes (approx 150 MBs in total), it would fail to generate the installers. We are investigating the quickest / safest way how to fix the issue. We will let you know, once decision has been made.

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  • ESET Insiders



I too have this problem, and it seems that it is your servers having trouble delivering the download within the 2 min, as our very fast connection still downloads very slow from your site.


Lookng forward to a fix

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  • ESET Staff

Thank you for letting us know. We will investigate, if there are any performance problems on our side. I will update this thread when there is some progress.

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An awful lot of people in the UK have internet of 8Mbps or less, which usually equates to about 820KB/s - at least, it does for me, with my ISP, and that's assuming that no-one else is using the other computers in the office :-)


120 seconds is much too low for a timeout I think.


Watching out for a fix.

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  • ESET Staff

As i workaround until proper fix is provided I would recommend to use HTTP Proxy - at least temporarily and only for SERVER. Even if task fails or gets stuck, it should download both installer files. Once cached, download should not take so much time.

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it seems that the process is not very reliable.

even when i download locally (with gigabit connection) of the ERA server the package, it sometimes fails...

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So nothing on this or am I missing something?  I can, at times, run the download to the point it indicates finished but the file is nowhere.  What am I overlooking or are we still having DL issues with the AIOs?

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  • ESET Staff

Hello, in next few days we will publish an updated .dll for ERA server, that should resolve the timeout issue.

We are also working on a service release of ERA webconsole, that would fix some other issues. This one will have to undergo QA process. Once done, it will be available using components upgrade task + we will also repack all of the installers with the new webconsole. We will keep you posted about the progress.

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This is so frustrating. I still cannot download the package. Other deployment methods have been hit and miss for us; usually resulting in the need to go on-site and physically access the machine. Our client's ESET license for 200 seats expires in August 2016, and because of these issues we had to go with another vendor.. ESET has been servicing these computers for the past 8 years. Update 6 has been nothing but a nightmare for the organizations we support. For the sake of everyone's sanity, I really hope that ESET can fix these issues soon. Agent deployment should not be as complicated as it is. 

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  • ESET Moderators

Hello, we have the fixed file available, currently on an on-request basis.
If you are interested, please contact me via a PM and specify whether you want the Linux or Windows version and whether 32 or 64 bit edition.
Please note that the Linux version can only be used with ERA Server 6.4.304.0 and the Windows version can only be used with ERA Server



The files are now publically available, you can read the instructions and download them at hxxp://support.eset.com/ca6177/



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  • 2 months later...

Hi! still have the issue here. We have two symethrical connections of 60mbps each one but the problem remains. I aready replaced the dll and updated windows 2k12.

If I download the installer manually, it takes a lot (40-50 min aprox). I'm in Argentina. Any clue?



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  • ESET Staff

Hi! still have the issue here. We have two symethrical connections of 60mbps each one but the problem remains. I aready replaced the dll and updated windows 2k12.

If I download the installer manually, it takes a lot (40-50 min aprox). I'm in Argentina. Any clue?




Fixed modules were supposed to increase timeout interval from 120 seconds to 10 minutes which seems to be not enough in your case. Please verify that you are using latest Webconsole (release notes) which was released later and targets also this issue.


One last question: could you please check to what IP addresses does repository.eset.com resolves on your computer (output of nslookup repository.eset.com)?

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Hi! still have the issue here. We have two symethrical connections of 60mbps each one but the problem remains. I aready replaced the dll and updated windows 2k12.

If I download the installer manually, it takes a lot (40-50 min aprox). I'm in Argentina. Any clue?




Fixed modules were supposed to increase timeout interval from 120 seconds to 10 minutes which seems to be not enough in your case. Please verify that you are using latest Webconsole (release notes) which was released later and targets also this issue.


One last question: could you please check to what IP addresses does repository.eset.com resolves on your computer (output of nslookup repository.eset.com)?



Hi, thanks for the quick answer. Our products version are:


ESET Endpoint Security


The nslookup:


Non-authoritative answer:

Name:    repous.wip.eset.com



Aliases:  repository.eset.com



So, I guess I will upgrade all in first place and try again!

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  • ESET Staff

Unfortunately list of products version is missing the most expected one - Webconsole v6 version can be seen only in "about" dialog when you are logged in.

Regarding repository IP addresses: it seems that two repository.eset.com mirrors are available: one in the USA and one in Central Europe - i guess your international connectivity to them is not as fast as expected which may be reason of the poor download performance.

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