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Our company uses ERAS Version my question is that is there a way to remove the threats count number? Or will they dissapear after a period of time? I can resolve them by hand one by one, but this is not very effecitve. And realy i dont understand what will happen if i resolve a threat? Nothing? I cant force the client to do an action like clean or delete. So what can i do here? Review that there is problem, but, what can i do to resolve the problem?


Sorry for my bad english.


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If threats are flagged as active, run a scan task from ERA using the in-depth scan profile. If no threats are found, the flag "active threat" will be removed automatically. Then you will need to resolve threats manually if you are sure they no longer pose a risk. This is simple to do - just open the Threats pane, add a new filter "Threat resolved" and use it to toggle between resolved and unresolved threats.

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I understand you and thanks for your response.

We got the same answear monts ago, but this did not worked, but i will try again if you think this is the solution. The clients which has threats are already shut down, can't power them on, i will start the scans on Monday again. Until then i checked my scanning task, i pasted the details below. I ran on every computers  (ok, not everywhere succeeded, somewhere timed out, somewhere user interrupted, but 90% is succes), still the threat number not reducing.

  • Task Type
    On-Demand Scan
    • Scan Settings
    • Shutdown After Scan
    • Scan Profile
      In-Depth Scan
    • Scan With Cleaning
    • Scan All Targets
Edited by petersonal
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The In-depth scan profile alone will not resolve your issue. Follow below: 

Strict cleaning has to be applied to ANTIVIRUS >> On DEMAND SCAN POLICY
1. Open ESET RA console and go to ADMIN >> POLICIES and edit your Master policy. 
2. Go to Antivirus >> On demand computer scan 
3. Expand Threatsense Parameters 
4. Scroll down to cleaning and put on "Strict cleaning" 
5. Force this policy and finish. 
NOW - ondemand scans will do strict cleaning from task or Scheduled task 
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The In-depth scan profile alone will not resolve your issue. Follow below: 

Strict cleaning has to be applied to ANTIVIRUS >> On DEMAND SCAN POLICY
1. Open ESET RA console and go to ADMIN >> POLICIES and edit your Master policy. 
2. Go to Antivirus >> On demand computer scan 
3. Expand Threatsense Parameters 
4. Scroll down to cleaning and put on "Strict cleaning" 
5. Force this policy and finish. 
NOW - ondemand scans will do strict cleaning from task or Scheduled task 



This would be needed only if an uncleanable virus or potentially unsafe or unwanted application is found as the user is prompted for an action in such case if normal cleaning mode is used.

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I started a scan today, (on a computer where is a therat) it finished successfull, no virus found, still, in threats windows the count not decrased. Sould i try the "strinct cleaning" method? Does this works for you @tmuster2k? Or what sould i check?

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Yes. This is a known issue as far as the number showing on the left hand side. I have seen this reported multiple times and there appears to be no resolution. ERA 6.x can act as a Threat Hoarder. Hopefully 6.4 will fix this. 

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Yes. This is a known issue as far as the number showing on the left hand side. I have seen this reported multiple times and there appears to be no resolution. ERA 6.x can act as a Threat Hoarder. Hopefully 6.4 will fix this. 

Okay... so the "strict cleaning" won't help probably? Can someone from ESET confirm this please, that this is a know issue, and no resolution found, yet. Thank you. And thank you for your help.

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Yes. This is a known issue as far as the number showing on the left hand side. I have seen this reported multiple times and there appears to be no resolution. ERA 6.x can act as a Threat Hoarder. Hopefully 6.4 will fix this. 

Okay... so the "strict cleaning" won't help probably? Can someone from ESET confirm this please, that this is a know issue, and no resolution found, yet. Thank you. And thank you for your help.


Strict cleaning run from ERA will remove the threats showing in the list but not the NUMBER on the left hand side. 

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I ran on 5 computers, all finished with 0 found threats, and the threats are still in the list. I am not 100 percent sure i edited my "master" policy, how can i check it?

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I ran on 5 computers, all finished with 0 found threats, and the threats are still in the list. I am not 100 percent sure i edited my "master" policy, how can i check it?

1. Open ESET RA console and go to ADMIN >> POLICIES and edit your Master policy. 
2. Go to Antivirus >> On demand computer scan 
3. Expand Threatsense Parameters 
4. Scroll down to cleaning and put on "Strict cleaning" 
5. Force this policy and finish. 
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