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Unable to push agent or clients from ERA

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We are running ERA server Since we upgraded, we are unable to successfully push the agent or clients to any host. The setup is a domain, and all pre-requisites for remote installs are met. The worked on the previous version of ERA that we were on.


Wen we try a push, the console indicates CIFS error -13. I was hoping that it was the same bug in CentOS bug that was found in this post, and that downgrading smbd would help, but it looks like a downgrade is not available.




As far as the host logs, I can see that the users we attempt to push with (we've tried two domain admins and a local admin) are successfully logging into the server, but then we see the cifs errors and the task eventually fails.


Any other ideas?





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This is becoming a huge headache. Even if I install the agent locally using the batch file, the hosts still don't phone home, and I still can't push the client. Was 6.3 truly tested, because I find it a bit difficult to believe these bugs weren't found.

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  • ESET Staff

Regarding failed remote installation attempts: is ERA Server machine joined to the same domain as target computers? Is ADMIN$ share remotely available from other machines? In case ERA Server is not in domain, administrative shares may not be available because of Remote UAC feature, which can be disabled on target machine (see official KB)


This is becoming a huge headache. Even if I install the agent locally using the batch file, the hosts still don't phone home, and I still can't push the client. Was 6.3 truly tested, because I find it a bit difficult to believe these bugs weren't found.

Please check C:\ProgramData\ESET\RemoteAdministrator\Agent\EraAgentApplicationData\Logs\status.html on target computer connection problems.

Edited by MartinK
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Hi Serre!


   Is better to use Centos 7, there is a big problem with CIFS and Samba, if you install eraserver in Centos 6 rpc command dosen't works, if you till used Centos 6 and install samba4, rpc works but cifs dosen't install for compatibility problems with samba 3.6


   All those problems are solved if you use Centos 7, only one hint if your organization don't have Active Directory, you need


  • configurate SRV service in your DNS with eraserver register
  • modify with regedit in the target (if is windows) for to use administrative shared folder as $IPC $ADMIN and others, you can read the following url for this: https://tommynation.com/enable-remote-access-administrative-shares-windows-10/
  • In the target, don't forget run Diagnostic.exe for to generate more information to Eset Staff



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Solution

I was able to fix the push issues by editing the smb.conf file. Just an FYI, my version of samba (use smbd --version) is 3.6.23-30.e16_7.

  1. Go to the ERA appliance command line.
  2. Run: # nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
  3. Add the following value/string under the [global] section: client ipc signing = auto
  4. Save the file and write the changes.
  5. Restart the samba service with: # sudo /sbin/service smb start

Now, to figure out why the server stops updating the client "last connected" times after a few days.

Edited by sreece
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  • ESET Staff

Now, to figure out why the server stops updating the client "last connected" times after a few days.


This is known issue of ERA 6.3 when using MySQL database. Please follow steps from my previous post.

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