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V1-5 -> V6 license upgrade

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Hi there,


when upgrading the "old" license (username/password and lic file) to V6 license informations, will the old license remains valid?


THX a lot,


best Meg

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I'm not sure what exactly you mean. Your license is valid for both v5 and v6. If you need to update v5 on a computer that doesn't have ERA Agent installed, your existing username and password will continue to work and updates will work alright.

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I'm not sure what exactly you mean. Your license is valid for both v5 and v6. If you need to update v5 on a computer that doesn't have ERA Agent installed, your existing username and password will continue to work and updates will work alright.

Thats almost what I wanted to know ;)


To use my license in V6 ERAS, I have to convert it on https://ela.eset.com. My question was: can I still use V5 ERAS after converting the license to a V6 format?

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Yes, that will basically only contact our licensing servers, and ships you with the new format of the license, needed for V6 applications. Old username & password is still valid, as it is used also by V6 applications. What we have changed is, that the username & password is included in the license file, you silently receive upon activation and it is encrypted inside. So feel free to continue using both old and new apps. Only difference is, that you won´t see the old applications are activated from ESET License Administrator, as only new apps reports there.

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