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Endpoint Antivirus 6: Copy to quarantine has no effect in Email client protection


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I am trying to configure the Email client protection so that e-mail attachments identified as infected can be recovered in case of a false positive.


We are using Outlook 2010 through 2016 with enabled ESET Outlook integration.

The server is Exchange 2010.



- Advanced Setup 
  - Email client protection
   - Threatsense Parameters
     - Cleaning,

I configured "No Cleaning" to get a dialog of available actions.


When an infected email is found, the dialog is shown, and a click on "More info" shows that the option "Copy to Quarantine" is checked. However, none of the available actions (Delete or No action) actually copies the attached file to quarantine (quarantine stays empty).

  • A click on "Delete" removes the attachment and moves the e-mail to the "Infected Items" folder. No copy of the attachment can be found in quarantine (Main ESET Window - Tools - Quarantine).
  • A click on "No action" moves the e-mail to the "Infected Items" folder without touching the attachment

Is there another separate quarantine location dedicated to the email client protection or am I missing the correct configuration option?



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You must configure quarantine in the mail server setup section of the ESET Mail Security for MS Exchange setup. Email client protection on clients does not quarantine attachments.

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