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AV-Comparatives: Certification Test based on AMTSO Real Time Threat List (RTTL) March 2016


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In this section you find Certification Tests using the AMTSO Real Time Threat List (RTTL). The RTTL is a repository of malware samples collected from around the world, and is managed, maintained and secured by the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization (AMTSO). Through the RTTL, AMTSO has provided a common platform where testers can access malware samples and related telemetry data provided by vendors and academics. The RTTL provides a way for testers to setup up new ways of testing based on prevalence-weighted and region-specific malware samples.
Using the RTTL extends the range of tests, and certifications based on it allow businesses and consumers to make more informed decisions when selecting a product. Using our Real-World Testing framework we are simulating a user using a computer. By exposing the machine to samples pulled from the RTTL we can give an overview of the core protection capabilities of the security product.




29 product have been put to the test. A protection rate over 98% is required to get certified...





Real Time Threat List (RTTL) - Frequently Asked Questions



Press Release...

AV-Comparatives Conducts First Test Using the AMTSO Real Time Threat List



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