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Eset wont remove virus that I have on my computer, I have tried multiple sources and they all say that i have a virus on my computer, except eset.
If you don't believe me there is an attachment of my scan


if that doesn't work here is a link



Please help as I bought eset and the malware software is a trial and I would really like to remove these viruses and malware


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SpyHunter is a "questionable" product. Please post any detections from a Malwarebytes or similar mainstream anti-malware software.

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"SpyHunter is a "questionable" product......" Well put itman. :)


Hello Mr_Moo_Moo and welcome.


Of course besides MalwareBytes, there is the ESET Online scanner. When I use it, I always use it in safe mode w/networking.

Take a look at these KBs.


hxxp://support.eset.com/kb405/... Online scanner FAQ


hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2921/... How do I use the ESET Online Scanner?


hxxp://support.eset.com/kb2505/... My computer has a virus—what should I do? (Preliminary malware troubleshooting)


Remember nothing is 100% guaranteed.


Good Luck and let us know.

Edited by TomFace
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  • 4 months later...

SpyHunter is a malware removal program and not the virus removal software.

Edited by Marcos
Delinked and text partially removed. Recommendations to use such software are not permitted in our security forum.
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